Saturday, January 08, 2011

Kingston and the Islands

With the withdrawl of the Conservative candidate, it is difficult to think of any thoughtful, intelligent person taking over as the candidate for the federal riding. A few names have been bandies around. I can't imagine that any of those names would subscribe to this PM's ideas or his party's policies.

Who would agree with the Conservative Party's position on such things as: human rights, abortion, equity for men and women, muzzling MPs so that they cannot express their own opinion, law and order, secrecy in government, lack of transparency and openness in government, refusal to deal with issues related to First Nations, caving to the tobacco lobby and refusing to deal with the billions of illegal cigarettes sold in this country.......the list is endless.

Update January 12, 2011: Alicia Gordon stepping up. Amazing

1 comment:

Norma said...

Guess Alicia didn't read your Blog.
She should check out Emily Dee at , for an education on how King Harper operates.