Thursday, April 17, 2008

It Matters A LOT

Patrons to the new arena in downtown Kingston have reported a lot of unfortunate things about the facility. The most recent, and perhaps the most irritating, is the fact that the Canadian flag is flying incorrectly.
Canadian flag protocol requires that when two flags are being flown, the Canadian flag is placed to the left of the other nation's flag. This is not quite written in (lime)stone, but almost.
In the new rink, the Canadian flag is being flown on the right of the USA flag.
Apparently, when this was brought to the attention (twice, at least) of the rink's management, the person who pointed this out, was told that it would require a cherry-picker -type of equipment to change it. The inference being that it would cost a lot of money to hire one, and it wasn't worth the cost.
Here's the news: it IS worth the cost of renting the necessary equipment.
In this town, there ARE a lot of people who think that it is important to fly the Canadian flag correctly. And, in fact, there are a lot of Canadians who think that too. And I am one. It is important to fly the flag correctly. Not just now, or in Kingston where the armed forces are constantly present, but in every town and hamlet in this country.
If this matters so little to the rink's management, is there anything that matters MORE? Oh yes. Selling tickets.
Speaking of which, in an unprompted conversation today, a woman told me of her recent visit to the rink to get tickets for some show. She was told that there were none there, but she could get them online.
"Online?" she said.
"Yes. They have them online."
Heavens....all those add-ons, coming to almost $15.00 per ticket! The management makes it so that if one wants tickets, they have to be bought online, even if the customer is standing right there at the ticket wicket. What a rip-off.
This is another example of the cavalier attitude demonstrated at the new rink.
Someone should tell Councillor Hector that the flags are being flown incorrectly. Then, get your stopwatch out, and see how long it takes to order up a cherry picker! Nanoseconds!!!!

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